Le Nostrane – Olive e antipasti

Scallops with Le Nostrane Grilled Whole Champignons

Scallops with Le Nostrane Grilled Whole Champignons


Prepare the meat by removing the fat and any nerves of the breast of veal slices. Arrange them between two sheets of baking paper not to waste fibers and appiattiscile with a meat mallet.

Incidi the edges of the slices with the tip of a sharp boxcutter to prevent it from curling during cooking. Flour the veal slices and shake them to eliminate the excess. Stendile, as, on a baking sheet without accavallarle.

To cook the scallops melt the butter and a little oil in a large skillet until browned. Add the slices of meat, rosolale 1-2 minutes per side, sfumale with Marsala, let it evaporate and remove them from the pan, keeping them warm between 2 plates.

Combine the garlic peeled to the bottom, rosolalo and add Le Nostrane Grilled Whole Champignons, stirring to season them with gravy.

Put the scallops in the pan and scaldale on both sides for flavor, remove the garlic and season with salt and pepper.

Divide the veal scallops and mushrooms in the dishes, smells with marjoram and serve.

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